Posts Categorized: Social Media

Thinking of using Twitter for marketing? Ask yourself these 5 questions first

An increasing number of construction companies and professionals involved in the industry are joining Twitter to find out for themselves what the fuss is all about, and hopefully work out how it can benefit themselves or their business for marketing purposes. But what do you do once you’re on it? You set up an account, start following some people/businesses and may even have posted a few links from your website, but …. now what? I’ve seen too many companies launch Twitter profiles, tweet some information for a few months and then disappear off the face of Twitter altogether. Could it be that their was no strategy? Did the marketer within the business have no idea how much time was required to maintain and monitor mentions? Could it be that they didn’t see the value of it? Or did the personnel change and the new person hired to look after the profile had no idea what to do with it? There are so many possible reasons.

In the end it all comes down to planning, forming a social and content strategy, identifying the right metrics to measure your activities and then sticking to it. So, here are 5 questions to ask yourself before you start out on Twitter to ensure you don’t become one of those companies who makes a lot of noise one day but is gone the next.

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Google Plus: what makes it different from other social networking sites?

Since its release over 3 weeks ago Google plus has seen tremendous growth, with nearly over 20 million users already. People who are even remotely interested in search, social media and marketing have probably been spending a lot of time figuring out how best to use this new platform. This growth will probably continue once Google+ becomes available to everyone (it’s still in beta) and Google starts marketing the social network through its other widely used, and trusted, channels such as YouTube and Blogger.

Below is a graph to illustrate the tremendous growth of the platform compared to Twitter and Facebook. Yes, we could say the growth of Google+ can also be attributed to the fact that it was largely promoted and shared through these other 2 platforms which could have contributed to it’s rapid adoption but it’s still a massive difference.


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Are Google Plus Circles teaching us Marketers a thing or two about segmentation?

I’ve been using Google Plus for a couple of weeks now and still yet to really find a way of using it for something that isn’t just a duplication of my Twitter and Facebook efforts. I’m sure I will find something new it’s just a matter of time. However, what I have found very interesting to use is the use of the Google Circles.

Google Circles allows users to group people based on certain interests and then share information or content specifically to each segment or Google Circle. For example, I have a Google Circle called ‘Industry People’ and another called ‘Industry Marketers’ and another called ‘Web Analytics People I have met’. Each Circle contains a group of people who fall into one or two of those buckets and I can then separate them out based on interest or area of expertise. Segmentation. You may decide to keep ‘Friends’ separate to ‘Work Friends’ or ‘Architects – Customers’ separate to ‘Architects – Prospects’ and create circles for each and then put the relevant people into each one. This allows you to send or share information and messages based on their interests or needs. I can now share information on Web Analytics with just the people within my ‘Industry Marketers’ circle and not with ‘Industry People’ who have no interest in marketing measurement as they are people who are talking about procurement and supply chain issues.Read More

Architect’s Journal to publish Top 100 influential UK architects on Twitter

In April 2011 Construction News published the tCn top 100 list of influential tweeters in the UK built environment and received a great response. It’s part of an initiative to help industry individuals and organisations understand, embrace and utilise the power of digital media. PeerIndex was used to rank Twitter users based on how influential they are and we’re very happy to be one of the only agencies included.

Next in the #tcntop100 series is an attempt to identify influential tweeters in UK architecture. The final #AJtCn100 list will be published in the Architect’s Journal (AJ) and further information explaining how users can get involved will be available via the AJ (online and in print) on Thursday the 9th of June.

**UPDATE** Here is the published list of the top 100 UK Architects on Twitter.

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Don’t have a social media presence without being present

Yesterday was awesome! I attended 2 great marketing events that I would like to share with you. Awesome was  also the word of the day thanks to Scott Stratten from UnMarketing. He was one of the speakers at the FreshThinkers event, alongside Amanda Hite from Talent Revolution,  hosted by Jobsite. Scott is one of the best speakers I’ve heard in a long time. As he said himself, he speaks in tweets. Punchy and straight to the point in 140 characters which are easily shared by twitter geeks (like me). As you can see from the image below, the fresthinkers twitter stream reached over 41 802 people. This would not have been possible without a great social media platform such as Twitter. It makes people feel part of an event even if they are thousands of miles away. Read More

Digital Marketing Workshop for Construction Marketers

On the back of the success of our Construction Marketers Guide to Social Media E-Book we are pleased to announce our Digital Marketing Workshop for marketers within the construction industry.

Where? The Building Centre, London.
Thursday 23rd June 2011.
What time?
2pm – 5.30pm.

What will I learn? Plenty. We’ll get you started on creating a robust digital marketing strategy and provide you with the knowledge and skill set in order to quickly re-apply to your current marketing plan. Read More

Importance of benchmarking before adding social media to your mix

So you have decided that you are going to add social media to your marketing mix. You have decided that you are going to launch a corporate blog, start a company Twitter profile, create and join a few LinkedIn groups and then have a lovely looking Facebook page with all your corporate info on. Heck, you might even re-design your website whilst your at it right?

But have you benchmarked your existing online and offline marketing activities before you jump onto the social media bandwagon? Do you know how your current marketing activities are performing in order to identify success later on? In fact, what will your success look like in 12 months time?

Benchmarking is crucial

Conducting a benchmarking audit is crucial for any marketing department before starting on long term commitments like social media marketing. Knowing how your website is performing and its conversion rates, knowing which brochures are most downloaded or requested, knowing how many times your company has been mentioned online, finding out how many pages in your website are indexed and where they rank in Google and knowing how visitors use your website are all ‘must knows’ in order to be able to measure any improvement over time. Read More

Analysing the impact of our Social Media E-book

UPDATE (02/06/11): We are now approaching nearly 400 downloads since the launch of the ebook. Thank you to everyone who has downloaded the ebook.

It’s been over a week since we launched our Guide to Social Media Marketing for Construction Marketers ebook and thought it would be good to show the results we achieved from publishing this ebook. The total number of downloads stands at a whopping 217!!!! Thank you to everyone who has downloaded and shared the ebook with others.

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