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Construction market research

Conducting construction market research in your industry gives you invaluable insight into your market conditions. Doing market research on a regular annual or bi-annual basis is crucial. This is because it helps you to make better strategic business decisions. At Pauley Creative we are big advocates of using data insights to drive strategy.

We’re continuously collecting data from a variety of touch points for our customer base. Our customers span building product manufacturing, distribution, merchant and contractor audiences.

Using a mixture of tactics, Pauley Creative can help you to uncover key insights into your market place so that you can drive your business forward using data for reassurance.

Critical Market Research Outputs

Critical measures effects these decisions, so it’s important that you understand;

The particular tactics and approach used, will depend on;

How to conduct market research in the construction industry

Having conducted well over 100 independent customer research pieces, Pauley Creative have a wealth of experience in conducting market research to gain insight from across the construction supply chain. Some of the tactics we use are;

Pauley Creative are able to conduct;

Our approach is always to start with the key outcomes and goals and we work closely with you to help shape and define these from the off.



Gaining real market insight is invaluable to your business. It's not just about marketing, it steers business decisions across product development, sales, marketing & even operations.

Jane Grimwood

PR and Research Manager

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