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We live by a simple ethos at Pauley Creative, don’t perform random acts of marketing or act on gut instinct. That is why research sits at the heart of everything we do and is typically the first stage of any project we complete.

Why research is so important in construction and the built environment?

Simply put, if you haven’t performed any customer research, competitor research, market research, or don’t understand the objectives, values or mission of your own construction company – then your digital marketing isn’t going to deliver the highest potential results.

As Building Product Manufacturers and Contractors working in the Built Environment, you will know the complex supply chain we operate in. Complicated further by pressure from government initiatives to improve productivity & sustainability, implementation of BIM & innovating with modern methods of construction – truly understanding your audience will ensure you communicate with them properly and get the engagements you want to deliver results.

Choosing Pauley Creative for your construction research project

We’ve been working with the construction industry for over 20 years, and our ethos has been consistent during that time – don’t perform random acts of marketing.

We have become renowned for our intelligence-led research process. We perform an in-depth diagnostics program for each one of our clients. Meaning, we’ve performed over 100 research projects, helping our clients understand every part of their business, their market, their competitors and their customers. This has also lead to some pretty impressive results.

But don’t take our word for it… read our latest case studies to find out more about the results we produce.

We’ve even produced a guide for customer research because we think it’s that important. Download your free copy today.

Our approach to research for construction companies

We perform research using a wide range of techniques, to ensure you stop those random acts of marketing. Firstly, we break it down into four key areas:


Formalise the thoughts of your internal stakeholders

Your workforce is one of your most valuable assets, they make your construction company who it is. Listening to them will provide valuable insights that can drive your marketing activity. For instance, understanding the challenges faced by your sales team could impact what messages you communicate out to customers. We make sure your internal teams are listened to and ensure you have clear business and marketing objectives that drive your marketing activity.

Perform customer research

Internally, you probably have an impression of how your customers perceive your construction company. But, how accurate is it? Or when was the last time you spoke to your customers to find out how they feel about your products or services?  Performing research will validate your thoughts and gain even deeper insight into how your brand is perceived by those that matter.

We’ll help you:

If you aren’t currently using Construction Personas to inform your marketing, this must-read will tell you why they are so important.

Conduct some competitor research

You don’t want to be copying your competition – but understanding exactly what they are up to will mean you can always stay one step ahead. Have you ever taken the time to properly analyse what your competition do? This is where we can help.

We’ll help you:

Ultimately, you’ll understand exactly where you sit against your competition.

Existing Marketing Analysis

Finally, we collate the information discovered about your construction company, competitors and customers. Once this is done, we will blend it with information about the market you operate in. We’ve been doing this for a while, so it’s likely we already know a fair amount about your specific market – whether you’re a building product manufacturer, merchant, contractor or membership organisation.  

But, we will ensure we know everything about the supply chain you operate in. We’ll interrogate the customer journey to ensure we understand the purchasing decisions to get someone from a prospect to a brand advocate.

What techniques do we use to perform research for your construction company?

Download a copy of our ebook – The Construction Marketers Guide to Customer Research to find out more about how we collect data & research.

If you aren’t currently using research to underpin your marketing actions, or have a proposal for an upcoming research project, contact our team today to find out how we can support.

And, sign up to our blog to stay up to date with all the latest construction marketing news and trends.

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