It’s been over a week since we updated our Guide to Social Media Marketing for Construction Marketers, so I thought it would be interesting to share the results we’ve achieved so far.
The content in the eBook is designed to educate and inform construction marketers on a range of social media platforms available to support your marketing strategy. Choosing the right social media platforms and managing your time effectively on each will help to distribute content, raise brand awareness and most importantly, create qualified leads.
So here our a few stats covering the success of our Social Media eBook since its publication on 12th April…
• The amount of goals and downloads gained in just over a week is 285% more than all goals* and downloads usually received on an average week
• 75% of these were Social Media eBook downloads
• 70% of downloads were achieved from our mailing list
• 17 of the downloads were completed in 4 hours on the first day
• Overall visits to the site saw a 25% increase compared to the week previously
• 6 blog sign ups and 7 other downloads were also completed
• As shown below, traffic via organic search has also increased significantly…
* Goals for us consist of eBook and Whitepaper downloads, blog sign-ups and contact enquiries
So what about our social media impact?
1055 sessions and 49 goal completions over a week were completed via social directly, 68% of which were Social eBook downloads. Conversions have also doubled when compared to the previous week, where no conversions were made via social interactions.
Twitter has performed the highest followed closely by LinkedIn, with an increase of 35 new followers in the last 8 days. As shown in the graph, both traffic and retweets (shown in green) have grown significantly.
The performance of our Social eBook so far has demonstrated the effectiveness of using both social media and email marketing to distribute content; in a short space of time it’s helped to increase our reach and generate leads for our business.
Using the email marketing and lead-capture platform Infusionsoft, we’ve been able to collect and segment a range of useful data from these leads, which has enabled us to drive better conversations with a range of different audience members.
A big thank you to everyone who has downloaded or shared our eBook so far! And if you havn’t yet seen it yet, you can grab your own copy here.