If you’ve logged into Google Analytics this morning you’ll no doubt be seeing the new reports on the left hand side: Acquisition and Behaviour.
Acquisition section replaces the Traffic Sources section along with two new additional reports – Overview and Channels reports.
The Behaviour section replaces the Content section but still contains the same reports as before.
Acquisition – Overview Report
When you click on the ‘Acquisition > Overview’ report you will see something that looks like this:
What you are presented with is 3 metrics each along the top grouped by Acquisition, Behaviour and Conversions.
Update: The blue bars are best viewed in isolation. Please see comments below for an explanation.
At a quick glance you can see how each channel is performing from:
- Acquisition (how much new traffic are we getting?)
- Behaviour (What is the traffic doing?)
- Conversions (Is this traffic turning into leads/orders/bookings/conversions etc)
Note: You can edit the channels to include your own marketing campaigns (banner ads, direct mail, social campaigns etc) if you’ve been using UTM tags to tag all your campaign links or you could just select from the drop down which mediums you would like to view:
Acquisition – Channels Report
The Channels report is similar to Overview but allows you to drill down into each source or medium and then view how each specific channel is performing from an Acquisition, Behaviour and Conversions point of view.
Below shows you the new report for Referral Traffic:
So from the above you can see that referring traffic from Distributors and Merchants is great for Acquisition. High % of new visits all round.
However, that traffic is not sticking around for too long. High bounce rates. Maybe the traffic should be going to another page which is more relevant? Prices? Dimensions? Packing Quantities?
Notice how traffic sent from Burton Roofing sticks around longer? Only a 25% bounce rate compared to others, and is generating us some conversions. Thank you Burton Roofing for sending us good traffic.
Below is the same report but this time for our Email campaigns:
All of the answers to common questions (how much new traffic are we getting? what is it doing? is it converting?) can now be obtained from one quick and easy to access report – as opposed to setting up lots of custom reports previously.
If anyone requires any help with understanding their Analytics data or require help setting up their Accounts then please do get in touch.
I’m confused by the blue bar chart style ranking – that is, is it a ranking, a nominal score, a share of the sources or what?
Hi Tim
Yes it can be quite confusing having taken a 5th look. All the bars need to be looked in isolation I think.
The blue bars in the acquisition column are ranked by visits – so the blue bars show % share of overall visits for each source.
Behaviour bars show the bounce rate (if selected). So 66.92% being the highest so it respectively has the longest blue bar. Then each other bar works its way down from 66.92%. 33% would be half filled for example.
Same for conversions – highest conversion rate has largest %.
In a nutshell:
Acquisition: Bigger the bar the better it is
Behaviour: Bigger the bar the worse it is performance (bounce rate only)
Conversions: Bigger the bar the better it is
Hope this makes sense.
How do I find out which was the most popular tweet for a certain month?
Hi Nikki
When you say popular do you mean RT’d or tweets clicked on?
If it’s clicks then you should really look to use UTM tags to measure traffic from specific tweets. More info here: http://www.pauleycreative.co.uk/my-digital-insider/measuring-marketing-campaign-performance/
You could also look at using bit.ly URL shortener which gives you pretty good stats on clicks.
You could then go the full hog and subscribe to a social media analytics tool such as http://simplymeasured.com/.
Hope this helps.